Instant Wine Cellar 2021- Our 33rd Annual

Click on bottle to order tickets
We are delighted that the Museum has finally re-opened on a limited basis after so many shuttered months during the pandemic. Along with the limited opening hours and safety precautions, we’ve also had to make some adjustments to how we will celebrate our 33rd annual Instant Wine Cellar fund-raiser. This year we will again postpone the accompanying event we’ve enjoyed for so many years and hold just a raffle. One Grand Prize of 5 cases of premium wines from Napa Valley producers will be awarded, as well as a few extra surprise items. The drawing will take place on Saturday, August 28 at the Museum. Prize winners will be notified by telephone or email.
Tickets are $10 each or 5 for $40. You may purchase your tickets at the Museum during normal opening hours (currently noon-3pm, Friday-Sunday); or click here to download and print an order form. Raffle tickets ordered via the form will be filled out for the purchaser and deposited directly into the raffle drum. If using the form to order, please complete all blanks (including winner information, payment method, credit card info, etc.). Include your payment (check or credit card information) and mail to or drop off at the Museum located at 1311 Washington St., Calistoga CA 94515.
Buy as many tickets as you wish, then invite family, friends and neighbors to try their luck. All proceeds from this fundraiser benefit programs and projects at our all-volunteer museum. If you are available to help with wine donation solicitation, mailings or ticket sales, please contact us. We’d love your help.
Pat & Dave Larsen, IWC Chairs
510-410-4558 phone/text or email